On February 8th and 9th, six executive board members from Truman State’s Sigma Phi Epsilon Missouri Mu chapter attended the Carlson Leadership Academy in Chicago, Illinois. The annual event brings together undergraduate leaders in SigEp chapters from around the country and provides workshops and keynote speakers in order for undergraduate students to become better men and leaders. Zack Brockmeyer, the current president at our chapter, spent the weekend conversing with SigEp national leaders and other chapter presidents, learning and working together to become better prepared to successfully lead the chapter. Other exec members spent the day in similar workshops for their respective position. Overall, the experience allowed our chapter leaders to develop plans and skills to improve the chapter, hear lessons from successful leaders, and connect with brothers from other chapters—a fantastic opportunity that will enable SigEp Mo Mu to continue being a successful chapter for years to come. For more information about the Carlson Leadership Academy, check out www.sigep.org.