Chapter President
Jake HiggsThe Chapter President is responsible for leading his brothers and managing the operations of the chapter

Vice President of SigEp Learning Communities
Quentin PerryThe vice president of the Learning Community is responsible for creating a learning environment, either in the chapter facility or on campus

Vice President of Programming
Tyler GrayThe vice president of programming is responsible for the planning and execution of the chapter’s events and functions

Vice President of Finance
Jack BryanThe vice president of finance is the chapter’s financial officer. He is entrusted with managing the chapter’s budget and finances

Vice President of Member Development
Caleb DayThe vice president of member development oversees the development of each member providing support and structure to his brothers

Vice President of Recruitment
Ben HarrisThe vice president of recruitment drives the quality of a chapter’s membership by successfully recruiting the best men on campus

Vice President of Communications
Matthew FreitagThe vice president of communications is the chapter’s information officer and the primary protector of the chapter’s brand

Dreston HoffmanThe chaplain is bestowed with the care and guard of the Fraternity’s Ritual. He also leads the judicial branch of the chapter

Risk Manager
Sam KallaosThe risk manager of the chapter is responsible for managing the chapter risk and the safety of its members

Assistant Vice President of Finance
Drew NenningerThe assistant vice president of finance is one of the chapter's financial officers. He is entrusted with helping manage the chapter's budget